47 Ways to Make an Impact

Looking for ideas to make the world a better place? The list is limitless, but here are 47 suggestions to think about from the Alumni Board. Chirp!

  • Host or attend a 4/7 Impact event in your region next year!
  • Volunteer or donate to your local food bank.
  • .
  • Donate to a .
  • Clean up a park or beach.
  • for local or virtual opportunities.
  • Answer student career questions on .
  • Hold a clothing drive or donate items to the Goodwill or other local charities.
  • Participate in a charity race or sports event.
  • Help register people to vote.
  • Help deliver meals or gifts to patients at a hospital.
  • Write a blog post or article on a topic you care about.
  • Tutor children during or after school.
  • Donate toys to a children’s hospital.
  • Donate books to your local library.
  • Read or perform for residents at a nursing home.
  • Teach computer skills to students or families.
  • Help out at an animal shelter.
  • Build a house with .
  • Donate eyeglasses or electronics to organizations in need.
  • Donate blankets, clothing, or other items to a homeless shelter.
  • Offer to babysit for a family in need.
  • Make care kits and donate to homeless shelters.
  • Prepare a home-cooked meal for the residents of a nearby homeless shelter.
  • Help with repairs at a local homeless shelter or school.
  • Become a  or a .
  • .
  • Become a tour guide or docent at a local museum.
  • Provide your career skills or knowledge for a non-profit organization.
  • Join the .
  • Help paint or clean a local school.
  • Signup to be a  to mentor current students on Sagehen Connect.
  • March or protest for a cause you care about.
  • Help prepare meals for shelters or nursing homes.
  • Volunteer at your local library as a reading tutor, homework helper or tech aide.
  • Become a driver.
  • Coach a sports team or lead a community club.
  • Referee or manage a local sports league or game.
  • Give blood at an .
  • Staff a crisis hotline for domestic violence, suicide or other critical issue.
  • Offer assistance with e-volunteering projects for nonprofits at .
  • Write grants, manage a website or write a business plan for a non-profit.
  • Teach a class with .
  • Participate in the .
  • Donate to something you care about through a crowdfunding campaign on , or other crowdfunding site.
  • .
  • to ensure need-blind admissions, unique academic opportunities and hands-on learning experiences.