Head Over Heels Auditions

Head Over Heels

Songs by The Go-Go's

Based on "The Arcadia" by Sir Philip Sidney

Conceived and Original Book by Jeff Whitty

Adapted by James Magruder

Directed by Gleason Bauer


Head Over Heels is holding additional auditions this Saturday from 4-5pm.


We are seeking strong tenors and baritones who can dance for both the role of Dametas and for the ensemble of Angels and Demons. (See character descriptions below)


If you are interested, please fill out the  and come to Seaver Theatre at 4pm. The audition will last approximately one hour.


Ensemble: All genders, all ethnicities. Unique, charismatic individuals who inhabit the kingdom of Arcadia. Must be strong tenor or baritone vocalists and dancers.


Dametas: Tenor/Baritone/Bass to play the King’s viceroy and father to Mopsa. Loyal and loving. Any ethnicity. Any gender.


For more information about the play and rehearsals.